The War Within mounts, listed by model
Mounts of The War Within
Now available
- Amani Bears
- Arathi Lynx Mounts
- Ardenweald Dreamrunners
- Automatic Sonic Machine Resonators
- Battle Turtles
- Bees
- Butterflies
- Cinderbees
- Cloudrooks
- Delver's Dirigibles
- Drakes
- Dreadcycles
- Earthen Mechsuits
- Elemental Crows
- Fathom Rays
- Flying Carpets
- Flying Love Foxes
- Flying Quilen
- Gallywix Flyer
- Gargantuan Murlocs
- Gladiator's Felbats
- Glowmites
- Goblin Flyers
- Goblin Hyenas
- Goblin Shreddertanks
- Goblin Wave Shredders
- Grizzly Hills Bears
- Hippogryphs
- Jawcrawlers
- Kor'kron Warsabers
- Lunar Festival Rockets
- Magnetomechs
- Mechanical Devilsaurs
- Meeksi
- Moles
- Ordinant's Ramoliths
- Outfitted Moles
- Prismatic Snapdragons
- Ramoliths
- Saurids
- Sentinel War Wolves
- Sha-Warped Cloud Serpents
- Sha-Warped Tigers
- Shadow Elementals
- Siren Pirate Ships
- Sky Snakes
- Skyrazors
- Skyreavers
- Stagshells
- Startouched Furlines
- Swarmites
- Undercrawlers
- Underlight Fish
- Undermine Rockets
- Undermine Shredder Mechs
- Ur'zul
- Vicious Electric Eels
- Vicious Skyflayers
- Witch's Sweepers
Available in an upcoming patch
- Bakars
- Cormaeras
- Corrupted Sinuous Drakes
- Darkmoon Chargers
- Flying Stone Cats
- Goats
- Harvesthogs
- Iron Turtles
- Rock Snails
Possibly Coming Later - no release information yet
- Chaos-Forged Dreadwings
- Chaos-Forged Gryphons
- Chaos-Forged Hippogryphs
- Chaos-Forged Wind Riders
- Coldflame Phoenixes
- Crystal Mechsuits
- Trader's Brutosaurs
Models not yet assigned to mounts
Matching Companion Pets
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :
Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :
Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :
Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.
Coming soon:
Mounts available in upcoming content.
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :
Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :
Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.
Grizzly Hills Bears
Goblin Hyenas
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :
Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.
Arathi Lynx Mounts
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :
Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.
Sha-Warped Tigers
Startouched Furlines
Sha-Warped Cloud Serpents
Gladiator's Felbats
Retired mounts:
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :
Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :
Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.
Shadow Elementals
Witch's Sweepers
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :
Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.
Vicious Electric Eels
Earthen Mechsuits
Undermine Shredder Mechs
Automatic Sonic Machine Resonators
Gallywix Flyer
Goblin Flyers
Lunar Festival Rockets
Undermine Rockets
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :
Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.
Delver's Dirigibles
Goblin Shreddertanks
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :
Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.
Mechanical Devilsaurs
Outfitted Moles
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :
Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.
Coming soon:
Mounts available in upcoming content.
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :
Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.
Ordinant's Ramoliths
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :
Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.
Siren Pirate Ships
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :
Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.
Sky Snakes
Prismatic Snapdragons
Coming soon:
Mounts available in upcoming content.
Vicious Skyflayers
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :
Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.
Amani Bears
Elemental Crows
Flying Love Foxes
Sentinel War Wolves
Kor'kron Warsabers
Flying Carpets
Underlight Fish
Goblin Wave Shredders
Coming soon:
Mounts available in upcoming content.
Gargantuan Murlocs
Fathom Rays
Ardenweald Dreamrunners
Flying Quilen
Battle Turtles
Models coming soon
Coming in The War Within:
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :
Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.
Corrupted Sinuous Drakes
Coming in The War Within:
Flying Stone Cats
Coming in The War Within:
Rock Snails
Coming in The War Within:
Coming in The War Within:
Coming in The War Within:
Darkmoon Chargers
Coming in The War Within:
Iron Turtles
Coming in The War Within:
Coming in The War Within:
Models coming laterModels appearing in later patches, or have no release date yet.
Plunderlord's Crocolisks
Coming later:
Mounts possibly coming in later patches, or we're not sure yet.
Retired modelsModels that appeared earlier in the expansion but are no longer available.
Chaos-Forged Dreadwings
Retired mounts:
Coldflame Phoenixes
Retired mounts:
Trader's Brutosaurs
Retired mounts:
Chaos-Forged Gryphons
Retired mounts:
Chaos-Forged Hippogryphs
Retired mounts:
Crystal Mechsuits
Retired mounts:
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :
Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.
Chaos-Forged Wind Riders
Retired mounts:
Models that have not yet been usedNot yet assigned to mounts.
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :
Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.
Royal Fire Hawks
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :
Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.