Retired Mounts

For various reasons these mounts can no longer be obtained, although you may still see them roaming around the world. Some mounts are retired because of planned, limited-term events - like the PvP Arena seasons. Others are retired because the promotions they are part of are discontinued. Others just go missing as part of game changes or recodes.

Dungeon Challenge Mode Mounts

In some expansions there have been mount rewards for completing all the dungeons on Challenge Mode, with a rating of Silver or above. These mounts are retired with the launch of the pre-expansion patch for the next expansion.

Brawler's Guild Mounts

When the Brawler's Guild season ends, the mount reward is retired. A different mount is offered the next season.

Bizmo's Brawlpub - Rank 8
Brawl'gar Arena - Rank 8

Arena Mounts

Each PvP Arena season has its own mount reward, and the previous season's reward is retired as soon as it's awarded.

Battle for Azeroth Season 1
Battle for Azeroth Season 2
Battle for Azeroth Season 3
Battle for Azeroth Season 4
Shadowlands Season 1
Shadowlands Season 2
Shadowlands Season 3
Shadowlands Season 4
Dragonflight Season 1

Discontinued Promotion Mounts

Sometimes mounts are offered as an incentive for a Blizzard promotional event and are retired when it ends.

Original Epic Mounts

These mounts were the original 'Epic' level 60 mounts present in the game when WoW launched. In Patch 1.4, these unarmored epic mounts were removed from vendors and replaced with the armored level 60 (now level 40) mounts that we have today. Characters who already owned one of these retired mounts were encouraged to trade it in for a new armored mount, but those that didn't now own something truly rare, as the old versions here can no longer be purchased.

Dwarf Character
Ironforge - Exalted
Dwarf Character
Ironforge - Exalted
Gnome Character
Gnomeregan - Exalted
Gnome Character
Gnomeregan - Exalted
Human Character
Stormwind - Exalted
Human Character
Stormwind - Exalted
Night Elf Character
Darnassus - Exalted
Night Elf Character
Darnassus - Exalted
Orc Character
Orgrimmar - Exalted
Orc Character
Orgrimmar - Exalted
Tauren Character
Thunder Bluff - Exalted
Tauren Character
Thunder Bluff - Exalted
Troll Character
Darkspear Trolls - Exalted
Troll Character
Darkspear Trolls - Exalted

Miscellaneous Retired Mounts

Various mounts that have been retired as part of the ongoing, changing nature of World of Warcraft. Some were retired as players out-levelled the achievement, others as old systems were removed or recoded.

Ny'alotha, the Waking City
Blizzard Shop
Brewfest 2007 "Honorary Brewer"
Trial of the Grand Crusader (H10)
Trial of the Grand Crusader (H10)
Scepter of the Shifting Sands
Hellfire Citadel
Antorus, the Burning Throne
Sepulcher of the First Ones
Dragonflight Season 2
Dragonflight Season 3
Dragonflight Season 4
The War Within Season 1
Blizzard Shop
12-month Subscription
12-month Subscription
12-month Subscription
Blizzard Shop
Wrath of the Lich King Classic Death Knight Promotion
Heroes of the Storm Promotion
Amazon Gaming Promotion
Hearthstone 10th Anniversary
Hearthstone 10th Anniversary
Bizmo's Brawlpub - Rank 8
Brawl'gar Arena - Rank 8
Radiant Echoes TWW pre-Expansion Event
Radiant Echoes TWW pre-Expansion Event
Rated PvP - Dragonflight Season 1
Rated PvP - Dragonflight Season 1
Scepter of the Shifting Sands
BfA pre-Expansion Quest Chain
BfA pre-Expansion Quest Chain