Dragonflight mounts, listed by model
Mounts of Dragonflight
Now available
- Albatrosses
- Algarian Stormriders
- Alpacas
- Amalgams of Rage
- Arborwyrms
- Armoured Pterrordaxes
- Armoured Skeletal Drakes
- Armoured Vorquins
- Armoured Wolves
- Bakars
- Bound Blizzards
- Bruffalons
- Celestial Cloud Serpents
- Cloud Discs
- Core Hounds
- Cranes
- Divine Rabbits
- Dragon Owls
- Dreamsabers
- Dreamstags
- Dreamtalons
- Flaming Somnowls
- Flying Carpets
- Flying Love Foxes
- Forsaken Skeletal Warhorses
- Foxes
- Gleaming Moonbeasts
- Goats
- Grand Armoured Gryphons
- Grand Gryphons
- Grotto Nether Drakes
- Highland Drakes
- Hornstriders
- Magical Broomsticks
- Magma Slugs
- Magma Snails
- Magmammoths
- Majestic Wilderlings
- Mammoths
- Mana Rays
- Mechanical Scorpions
- Metallic Scarabs
- Mushan
- Pandaren Kites
- Pandaren Phoenixes
- Pandaren Tigers
- Primal Thunder Lizards
- Quilen
- Renewed Proto-Drakes
- Rock Snails
- Rocket Shredders
- Runebound Firelords
- Salamanthers
- Scouting Ottuks
- Shalewings
- Siege Kodos
- Skitterflies
- Skyscreamers
- Slyverns
- Soul Eaters
- Spectral Battle Ottuks
- Stormdrakes
- Tallstriders
- Velocidrakes
- Vicious Dreamtalons
- Vicious Moonbeasts
- Vicious War Snails
- Vorquins
- War Ottuks
- Wavewhiskers
- Whimsydrakes
- Wind Eagles
- Winding Slitherdrakes
- Windsteeds
- Worldbreaker Drakes
- Wylderdrakes
- Yaks
Available in an upcoming patch
Possibly Coming Later - no release information yet
- Dream Armoredons
- Gargantuan Murlocs
- Gladiator Drakes
- Gladiator's Slitherdrakes
- Hailstorm Armoredons
- Hearthstone Discs
- Inferno Armoredons
- Infinite Armoredons
- Storm Beetles
- Vicious Sabertooths
- Winged Stone Horses
Models not yet assigned to mounts
Matching Companion Pets
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :
Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.
Wind Eagles
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :
Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.
Dragon Owls
Flaming Somnowls
Or: Dreamseed Cache (loot)
Or: Dreamseed Cache (loot)
Vicious Dreamtalons
Or: Dreamseed Cache (loot)
Or: Dreamseed Cache (loot)
Amalgams of Rage
Highland Drakes
Winding Slitherdrakes
Grotto Nether Drakes
Renewed Proto-Drakes
Runebound Firelords
Bound Blizzards
Flying Carpets
Magical Broomsticks
Algarian Stormriders
Gleaming Moonbeasts
Vicious Moonbeasts
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :
Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.
Rocket Shredders
Magma Slugs
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :
Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.
Magma Snails
Vicious War Snails
Scouting Ottuks
Spectral Battle Ottuks
War Ottuks
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :
Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :
Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :
Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.
Divine Rabbits
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :
Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.
Or: Dreamseed Cache (loot)
Or: Dreamseed Cache (loot)
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :
Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.
Siege Kodos
Primal Thunder Lizards
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :
Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.
Soul Eaters
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :
Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.
Majestic Wilderlings
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :
Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.
Armoured Vorquins
Metallic Scarabs
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :
Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.
Pandaren Phoenixes
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :
Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.
Flying Love Foxes
Armoured Wolves
Pandaren Tigers
Celestial Cloud Serpents
Worldbreaker Drakes
Armoured Skeletal Drakes
Cloud Discs
Pandaren Kites
Grand Armoured Gryphons
Grand Gryphons
Core Hounds
Rock Snails
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :
Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.
Mechanical Scorpions
Armoured Pterrordaxes
Mana Rays
Forsaken Skeletal Warhorses
Models coming soon
Sentinel War Wolves
Coming in Dragonflight:
Kor'kron Warsabers
Coming in Dragonflight:
Underlight Fish
Coming in Dragonflight:
Models coming laterModels appearing in later patches, or have no release date yet.
Marsh Hoppers
Coming later:
Mounts possibly coming in later patches, or we're not sure yet.
Retired modelsModels that appeared earlier in the expansion but are no longer available.
Infinite Armoredons
Retired mounts:
Storm Beetles
Retired mounts:
Vicious Sabertooths
Retired mounts:
Gladiator Drakes
Retired mounts:
Gladiator's Slitherdrakes
Retired mounts:
Hearthstone Discs
Retired mounts:
Winged Stone Horses
Retired mounts:
Gargantuan Murlocs
Retired mounts:
Dream Armoredons
Retired mounts:
Hailstorm Armoredons
Retired mounts:
Inferno Armoredons
Retired mounts:
Models that have not yet been usedNot yet assigned to mounts.
Pirate Parrots
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :
Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.
Brilliant Peafowl
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :
Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :
Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.
Cloud Serpents
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :
Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.
Wind Proto-Drakes
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :
Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.
Battle Turtles
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :
Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.