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Dragonflight mounts, listed by model

Mounts of Dragonflight

Now available

Available in an upcoming patch

Possibly Coming Later - no release information yet


Models not yet assigned to mounts

Matching Companion Pets


Various rare NPCs in the Forbidden Reach
Elianna in Emerald Dream
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :

Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.


Dragonscale Expedition - Renown Rank 25
Dragonscale Expedition - Renown Rank 25
Expedition Scout's Pack in Dragon Isles
Dragonscale Expedition Renown 25

Wind Eagles

Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :

Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.

Dragon Owls

Blizzard Shop or 12-month subscription

Flaming Somnowls

Fyrakk in Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (M)


Smoldering Sprout quest chain in the Emerald Dream
Talisa Whisperbloom & Sylvia Whisperbloom in Emerald Dream
Or: Dreamseed Cache (loot)
Talisa Whisperbloom & Sylvia Whisperbloom in Emerald Dream
Or: Dreamseed Cache (loot)
Elianna in Emerald Dream

Vicious Dreamtalons

Rated PvP - Dragonflight Season 4
Rated PvP - Dragonflight Season 4


Talisa Whisperbloom & Sylvia Whisperbloom in Emerald Dream
Or: Dreamseed Cache (loot)
Talisa Whisperbloom & Sylvia Whisperbloom in Emerald Dream
Or: Dreamseed Cache (loot)
Dreamseed Cache in the Emerald Dream

Amalgams of Rage

Diablo IV - Any Edition


Blizzard Shop

Highland Drakes

The Azure Span quest chain: Calling the Blue Dragons

Winding Slitherdrakes


Grotto Nether Drakes

Renewed Proto-Drakes

The Waking Shores quest chain: Dragonriding


Ohn'ahran Plains quest chain: Shady Sanctuary


Thaldraszus quest chain: Back to the Future

Runebound Firelords

Cataclysm Classic Blazing Heroic Pack

Bound Blizzards

BlizzCon 2023

Flying Carpets

Magical Broomsticks

Blizzard Shop

Algarian Stormriders

The War Within - Heroic or Epic Collector's Edition

Gleaming Moonbeasts

12-month Subscription

Vicious Moonbeasts

Rated PvP - Dragonflight Season 3
Rated PvP - Dragonflight Season 3


Blizzard Shop


Azerothian Archives event drop
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :

Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.

Rocket Shredders

Recruit-A-Friend - 6 months

Magma Slugs

Seething Cache Puzzle in Zaralek Cavern
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :

Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.

Magma Snails

Leftover Elemental Slime in The Forbidden Reach
Empty Magma Shell in The Waking Shores
Dealer Vexil in The Waking Shores

Vicious War Snails

Rated PvP - Dragonflight Season 2
Rated PvP - Dragonflight Season 2

Scouting Ottuks

Iskaara Tuskarr - Renown 25
Elianna in Emerald Dream
Iskaara Tuskarr - Renown 25

Spectral Battle Ottuks

War Ottuks

Iskaara Tuskarr - Renown 30
Iskaara Tuskarr - Renown 30
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :

Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.


Harnessing a magmammoth in The Waking Shores
Elianna in Emerald Dream
Charred Elemental Remains from Dreamsurges
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :

Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.


Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :

Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.

Divine Rabbits

Blizzard Shop


Ponzo in Zaralek Cavern
Loamm Niffen
Renown Rank 3
Researchers Under Fire event reward
Karokta in Zaralek Cavern
Saccratros in Zaralek Cavern
Elianna in Emerald Dream
Harlowe Marl in Zaralek Cavern
Renown Rank 18
Master of the Troubled Timeways during the Turbulent Timeways event


Storykeeper Ashekh in Morqut Village, The Forbidden Reach
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :

Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.


Talisa Whisperbloom & Sylvia Whisperbloom in Emerald Dream
Or: Dreamseed Cache (loot)
Moon Priestess Lasara in the Emerald Dream
Dream Wardens
Renown Rank 17
Talisa Whisperbloom & Sylvia Whisperbloom in Emerald Dream
Or: Dreamseed Cache (loot)
Elianna in Emerald Dream
Moon Priestess Lasara in the Emerald Dream
Dream Wardens
Renown Rank 17
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :

Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.

Siege Kodos

Blizzard Shop

Primal Thunder Lizards

Provisioner Aristta in Azerothian Archives, Thaldraszus
'To Tame A Thunderspine' quest chain in Ohn'ahran Plains
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :

Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.

Soul Eaters

Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :

Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.

Majestic Wilderlings


Breezebiter in The Azure Span
Bringing gnoll treats to Zon'Wogi in The Azure Span
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :

Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.

Armoured Vorquins

Dracthyr Character
Dracthyr Character
Dracthyr Character
Dracthyr Character


Dracthyr Character
Dracthyr Character
Dracthyr Character
Dracthyr Character

Metallic Scarabs

Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :

Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.


Pandaren Phoenixes




A World Awoken
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :

Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.

Flying Love Foxes

Trading Post


Gilnean Reclamation Quest Chain

Armoured Wolves

Pandaren Tigers

WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria Vendors

Celestial Cloud Serpents

Worldbreaker Drakes

Doomwalker (Anniversary version) in Tanaris

Armoured Skeletal Drakes


Cloud Discs

WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria Vendors
WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria Vendors
WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria Vendors

Pandaren Kites

WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria Vendors

Grand Armoured Gryphons

Grand Gryphons

Core Hounds


WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria Vendors
WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria Vendors
WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria Vendors
WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria Vendors
WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria Vendors
WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria Vendors
WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria Vendors


TCG Card: Wasteland Shorestrider

Rock Snails

Glimmerogg Racer quests in Zaralek Cavern
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :

Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.

Mechanical Scorpions

WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria Vendors
WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria Vendors

Armoured Pterrordaxes


WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria Vendors
WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria Vendors
WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria Vendors
WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria Vendors

Mana Rays


WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria Vendors
WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria Vendors


WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria Vendors
WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria Vendors
WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria Vendors


WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria Vendors
WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria Vendors

Forsaken Skeletal Warhorses

Valiance in Naxxramas


WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria Vendors
WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria Vendors


WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria Vendors
WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria Vendors
WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria Vendors

Models coming soon

Sentinel War Wolves

Coming in Dragonflight:

Kor'kron Warsabers

Coming in Dragonflight:

Underlight Fish

Coming in Dragonflight:

Models coming later
Models appearing in later patches, or have no release date yet.

Marsh Hoppers

Coming later:

Mounts possibly coming in later patches, or we're not sure yet.

Retired models
Models that appeared earlier in the expansion but are no longer available.

Infinite Armoredons

Retired mounts:

Storm Beetles

Retired mounts:
12-month Subscription

Vicious Sabertooths

Retired mounts:
Rated PvP - Dragonflight Season 1
Rated PvP - Dragonflight Season 1

Gladiator Drakes

Retired mounts:
Dragonflight Season 1
Dragonflight Season 4

Gladiator's Slitherdrakes

Retired mounts:
Dragonflight Season 2
Dragonflight Season 3

Hearthstone Discs

Retired mounts:
Hearthstone 10th Anniversary

Winged Stone Horses

Retired mounts:
Hearthstone 10th Anniversary

Gargantuan Murlocs

Retired mounts:
12-month Subscription
12-month Subscription

Dream Armoredons

Retired mounts:

Hailstorm Armoredons

Retired mounts:

Inferno Armoredons

Retired mounts:

Models that have not yet been used
Not yet assigned to mounts.

Pirate Parrots

Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :

Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.

Brilliant Peafowl

Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :

Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.


Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :

Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.

Cloud Serpents

Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :

Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.

Wind Proto-Drakes

Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :

Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.

Battle Turtles

Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :

Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.

Matching Companion Pets

Matching companions for new mounts