Loot Mounts

Most mounts in this category may be found as low-chance or extremely-rare loot after killing enemies, or in loot caches after defeating bosses. A few unusual ones entail farming eggs that may randomly hatch into the desired mount.

Miscellaneous Scenario and Instance Drops

Mail Muncher in Horrific Visions

World Boss or Rare Drops

Rare or special NPCs around the world that have a chance of dropping a mount. Many of these are extremely low drops, though others are guaranteed. See the individual mount pages for more information.

Valfir the Unrelenting in Ardenweald (loot)
Elwyn (vendor)
Poseidus in Shimmering Expanse & Abyssal Depths
Galleon in Valley of the Four Winds
Gorok in Frostfire Ridge
Rukhmar in Spires of Arak
Pathrunner in Shadowmoon Valley
Nok-Karosh in Frostfire Ridge
Blistermaw in Antoran Wastes
Houndmaster Kerrax in Antoran Wastes
Overseer Krix in Arathi Highlands
Skullripper in Arathi Highlands
Agathe Wyrmwood in Darkshore
Blackpaw in Darkshore
Corpse Eater in western Uldum (Aqir Assault weeks)
Ivory Cloud Serpent in Vale of Eternal Blossoms (Mogu Assault weeks)
Rei Lun in Vale of Eternal Blossoms (Mogu Assault weeks)
Houndlord Ren in western Vale of Eternal Blossoms (Mogu Assault weeks)
Anh-De the Loyal in western Vale of Eternal Blossoms (Mogu Assault weeks)
Ha-Li in Vale of Eternal Blossoms (Mogu Assault weeks)
Rotfeaster in Uldum (Amathet Assault weeks)
Theater of Pain Bosses in Maldraxxus
Tahonta in Maldraxxus
Necrolord only
Harika the Horrid in Revendreth
Venthyr only
Gieger in Maldraxxus
Necrolord only
Hirukon in Zereth Mortis
Breezebiter in The Azure Span
Various rare NPCs in the Forbidden Reach
Karokta in Zaralek Cavern
Alunira in Isle of Dorn
Lurker of the Deeps in The Ringing Deeps

World Boss or Rare Drops - Fel-Spotted Eggs

Fel-Spotted Eggs from Argus have a chance to hatch one of four possible mana ray mounts. The eggs are a chance drop from specific rares on Argus - Varga in Antoran Wastes, Naroua in Krokuun, and Sabuul in Mac'Aree. One looted, an egg takes 5 days to hatch and you may hold more than one at once. The mana ray mount that hatches is random, and it's possible to get the same mount more than once, as well as a chance of companion pets and junk items.

Random World or Zone Drops

These involve farming regular, hostile NPCs in a zone for a low chance of getting a specific mount.

Cavedweller Murlocs in Draenor Garrisons
Blood Troll NPCs in Nazmir
NPCs in Stormsong Valley
NPCs in Drustvar
NPCs in Vol'dun

Random World or Zone Drops - Eggs

These mounts don't drop directly from NPCs, instead you will receive an egg that you incubate in your inventory until it hatches into the mount. The three Primal raptors hatch from Primal Eggs, which are rare drops from devilsaurs, direhorns and skyscreamers on the Isle of Giants. After three days a looted egg will hatch, with 100% chance of looting the Reins of the Black, Green or Red Primal Raptor. The mount is random and it's possible to receive the same mount more than once.

Primal Eggs - Beasts on Isle of Giants
Primal Eggs - Beasts on Isle of Giants
Primal Eggs - Beasts on Isle of Giants
Blight-Touched Egg - Chimaeras in Maldraxxus

Dungeon Boss Drops

Low-chance drops from Boss NPCs in dungeons. Many of these require a certain degree of difficulty (such as Heroic of Mythic) for the mount to drop.

Any Timewalking Dungeon Boss
Anzu in Sethekk Halls (H)
Infinite Corrupter in Culling of Stratholme (H)
Skadi the Ruthless in Utgarde Pinnacle (H)
Nightbane in Return to Karazhan
Attumen the Huntsman in Return to Karazhan
King Dazar in Kings' Rest (M)
Challenger's Cache in Kings' Rest (CM)
Unbound Abomination in The Underrot (Mythic Dungeon)
Challenger's Cache in The Underrot (CM)
Harlan Sweete in Freehold (M)
Challenger's Cache in Freehold (CM)
King Mechagon in Operation: Mechagon
Nalthor the Rimebinder in The Necrotic Wake (M)
So'leah in Tazavesh, the Veiled Market
Torghast bosses - layers 13+
The Darkness in Darkflame Cleft (M)

Raid Boss Drops

Low-chance drops from Boss NPCs in raids. Some of these require a certain degree of difficulty (such as Heroic of Mythic), or a certain raid size (10 or 25) for the mount to drop.

Kael'thas Sunstrider in The Eye, Tempest Keep
Malygos in Eye of Eternity
Sartharion in The Obsidian Sanctum (N 10)
Cache of the Ley-Guardian in The Oculus (H, random dungeon only)
Malygos in Eye of Eternity
Sartharion in The Obsidian Sanctum (N 25)
Any Boss - Vault of Archavon, Wintergrasp
Any Boss - Vault of Archavon, Wintergrasp
Onyxia in Onyxia's Lair
Yogg-Saron in Ulduar (25, No Keepers)
Trial of the Grand Crusader (H10)
Trial of the Grand Crusader (H10)
Arthas the Lich King in Icecrown Citadel (H25)
Al'Akir in Throne of the Four Winds
Ultraxion in Dragon Soul
Deathwing in Dragon Soul
Elegon in Mogu'shan Vaults
Ji-Kun in Throne of Thunder
Horridon in Throne of Thunder
Garrosh Hellscream in Siege of Orgrimmar (M)
Archimonde in Hellfire Citadel - Draenor (M)
Blackhand in Blackrock Foundry (M)
Gul'dan in The Nighthold
Gul'dan in The Nighthold (M)
Mistress Sassz'ine in Tomb of Sargeras
Shatug in Antorus, the Burning Throne
Argus the Unmaker in Antorus, the Burning Throne (M)
High Tinker Mekkatorque in Battle of Dazar'alor
N'Zoth the Corruptor in Ny'alotha, the Waking City (M)
Sylvanas Windrunner in Sanctum of Domination (M)
The Nine encounter in Sanctum of Domination
The Jailer in Sepulcher of the First Ones (M)
Valiance in Naxxramas
Fyrakk in Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope (M)
Queen Ansurek in Nerub-ar Palace (M)
Queen Ansurek in Nerub-ar Palace
Chrome King Gallywix in Liberation of Undermine (M)
Chrome King Gallywix in Liberation of Undermine

Random Raid Drops

Random drops from regular ('trash') NPCs in raids.

Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
Temple of Ahn'Qiraj

Timed Dungeon Rewards

A reward for completing a dungeon within a specific time limit.

Kasha's Bag in Zul'Aman

Timed Raid Rewards

A reward for completing a raid within a specific time limit.


Reward Chests & Loot Boxes

War Chest of the Undying Army
Harvester's War Chest
Tormentors of Torghast
Bilgewater Trove
Bilgewater Cartel (Undermine) - Exalted
Venture Co. Trove
Venture Company - Exalted
Darkfuse Trove
Exalted - Darkfuse Solutions
Blackwater Trove
Exalted - Blackwater Cartel
Steamwheedle Trove
Steamwheedle Cartel - Exalted

Reward Chests & Loot Boxes - Necroray Eggs

Zone Loot Chests

Expedition Scout's Pack in Dragon Isles
Dragonscale Expedition Renown 25
Dreamseed Cache in the Emerald Dream

Other Loot Mounts

Penitence of Purity (loot)
Adjutant Galos (vendor)