Loot Mounts
Most mounts in this category may be found as low-chance or extremely-rare loot after killing enemies, or in loot caches after defeating bosses. A few unusual ones entail farming eggs that may randomly hatch into the desired mount.
Miscellaneous Scenario and Instance Drops
World Boss or Rare Drops
Rare or special NPCs around the world that have a chance of dropping a mount. Many of these are extremely low drops, though others are guaranteed. See the individual mount pages for more information.
World Boss or Rare Drops - Fel-Spotted Eggs
Fel-Spotted Eggs from Argus have a chance to hatch one of four possible mana ray mounts. The eggs are a chance drop from specific rares on Argus - Varga in Antoran Wastes, Naroua in Krokuun, and Sabuul in Mac'Aree. One looted, an egg takes 5 days to hatch and you may hold more than one at once. The mana ray mount that hatches is random, and it's possible to get the same mount more than once, as well as a chance of companion pets and junk items.
Random World or Zone Drops
These involve farming regular, hostile NPCs in a zone for a low chance of getting a specific mount.
Random World or Zone Drops - Eggs
These mounts don't drop directly from NPCs, instead you will receive an egg that you incubate in your inventory until it hatches into the mount. The three Primal raptors hatch from Primal Eggs, which are rare drops from devilsaurs, direhorns and skyscreamers on the Isle of Giants. After three days a looted egg will hatch, with 100% chance of looting the Reins of the Black, Green or Red Primal Raptor. The mount is random and it's possible to receive the same mount more than once.
Dungeon Boss Drops
Low-chance drops from Boss NPCs in dungeons. Many of these require a certain degree of difficulty (such as Heroic of Mythic) for the mount to drop.
Challenger's Cache in The Underrot (CM)
Raid Boss Drops
Low-chance drops from Boss NPCs in raids. Some of these require a certain degree of difficulty (such as Heroic of Mythic), or a certain raid size (10 or 25) for the mount to drop.
Malygos in Eye of Eternity
Random Raid Drops
Random drops from regular ('trash') NPCs in raids.
Timed Dungeon Rewards
A reward for completing a dungeon within a specific time limit.
Timed Raid Rewards
A reward for completing a raid within a specific time limit.