The War Within Logo

The War Within mounts, listed by model


Council of Dornogal
Renown Rank 23
Cendvin in Isle of Dorn
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :

Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.


Glory of the Delver in Khaz Algar
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :

Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.


The Severed Threads
Renown Rank 22
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :

Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.


Trading Post
Coming soon:

Mounts available in upcoming content.

Trading Post
Trading Post


The Assembly of the Deeps
Renown Rank 23
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :

Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.


The General - Conspirator
The Vizier - Conspirator
The Weaver - Conspirator
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :

Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.

Grizzly Hills Bears

Goblin Hyenas

Blackwater Trove
Exalted - Blackwater Cartel
Bilgewater Cartel (Undermine) - Exalted
Gallagio Loyalty Rewards Club
Renown Rank 17
The Cartels of Undermine
Renown Rank 15
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :

Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.

Arathi Lynx Mounts

Spreading the Light event in Hallowfall
Hallowfall Arathi
Renown Rank 21
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :

Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.

Sha-Warped Tigers

Mists of Pandaria Classic Blazing Heroic Pack

Startouched Furlines

12-month Subscription

Sha-Warped Cloud Serpents

Mists of Pandaria Classic Blazing Heroic Pack

Gladiator's Felbats

The War Within Season 2
Retired mounts:
The War Within Season 1
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :

Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.

The War Within Season XX


Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :

Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.

Shadow Elementals

Hallowfall Arathi
Renown Rank 23

Witch's Sweepers

Heart-Shaped Box from Crown Chemical Co.
Enchanted Sweeper Bundle
Enchanted Sweeper Bundle


Alunira in Isle of Dorn
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :

Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.

Vicious Electric Eels

Rated PvP - The War Within Season 2
Rated PvP - The War Within Season 2

Earthen Mechsuits

Khaz Algar Engineering
Awakening the Machine event in the Ringing Deeps


Undermine Shredder Mechs

Blackwater Cartel - Exalted
Darkfuse Solutions - Exalted
Venture Co. Trove
Venture Company - Exalted
Shipping and Handling Job Streak in Undermine

Automatic Sonic Machine Resonators

Chrome King Gallywix in Liberation of Undermine

Gallywix Flyer

Chrome King Gallywix in Liberation of Undermine (M)

Goblin Flyers

Lunar Festival Rockets

Undermine Rockets

Venture Company - Exalted
Steamwheedle Trove
Steamwheedle Cartel - Exalted
The Cartels of Undermine
Renown Rank 19
Gallagio Loyalty Rewards Club
Renown Rank 8
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :

Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.

Delver's Dirigibles

Goblin Shreddertanks

Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :

Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.

Mechanical Devilsaurs

Gallagio Loyalty Rewards Club
Renown Rank 20


Marvelous Meeksi Pack Bundle
Marvelous Meeksi Pack Bundle
Marvelous Meeksi Pack Bundle
Marvelous Meeksi Pack Bundle
Marvelous Meeksi Pack Bundle or Standalone

Outfitted Moles

Lurker of the Deeps in The Ringing Deeps
The Darkness in Darkflame Cleft (M)
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :

Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.


Coming soon:

Mounts available in upcoming content.

Horrific Visions (Revisited)


The Assembly of the Deeps
Renown Rank 19
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :

Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.

Ordinant's Ramoliths

Level 10 - Earthen Paladin


Council of Dornogal
Renown Rank 18
Earthen Allied Race
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :

Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.

Siren Pirate Ships

Isle Remember You on Siren Isle


Queen Ansurek in Nerub-ar Palace (M)
Siesbarg quest chain in Azj-Kahet
Queen Ansurek in Nerub-ar Palace
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :

Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.

Sky Snakes

6- or 12-month Subscription

Prismatic Snapdragons

Starving Snapdragon Runt quest chain on Siren Isle


Coming soon:

Mounts available in upcoming content.

Horrific Visions (Revisited)

Vicious Skyflayers

Rated PvP - The War Within Season 1
Rated PvP - The War Within Season 1
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :

Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.


Amani Bears

Timewalking - The Burning Crusade

Elemental Crows

Forgotten Vault Runekey Activity on Siren Isle

Flying Love Foxes

Blizzard Shop

Sentinel War Wolves

Warcraft 30th Anniversary Direct

Kor'kron Warsabers

Warcraft 30th Anniversary Direct


Timewalking - Legion


Timewalking - Cataclysm

Flying Carpets

Timewalking - Wrath of the Lich King


Bobadormu at 20th Anniversary Event, Tanaris

Underlight Fish

The Derby Dash in Khaz Algar

Goblin Wave Shredders

Coming soon:

Mounts available in upcoming content.

Trading Post

Gargantuan Murlocs

12-month Subscription

Fathom Rays

Razer World of Warcraft Bundle

Ardenweald Dreamrunners

Flying Quilen

Timewalking - Mists of Pandaria

Battle Turtles

Steelseries World of Warcraft Collaboration


Timewalking - Warlords of Draenor

Models coming soon


Coming in The War Within:

Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :

Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.

Rock Snails

Coming in The War Within:

Trading Post


Coming in The War Within:

Darkmoon Chargers

Coming in The War Within:

Iron Turtles

Coming in The War Within:

Dastardly Duos

Models coming later
Models appearing in later patches, or have no release date yet.

Plunderlord's Crocolisks

Coming later:

Mounts possibly coming in later patches, or we're not sure yet.

Retired models
Models that appeared earlier in the expansion but are no longer available.

Chaos-Forged Dreadwings

Retired mounts:

Coldflame Phoenixes

Retired mounts:

Trader's Brutosaurs

Retired mounts:

Chaos-Forged Gryphons

Retired mounts:
Blizzard Shop

Chaos-Forged Hippogryphs

Retired mounts:

Crystal Mechsuits

Retired mounts:
Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :

Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.

Chaos-Forged Wind Riders

Retired mounts:

Models that have not yet been used
Not yet assigned to mounts.


Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :

Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.

Landro's Loot Box promotion - China only

Royal Fire Hawks

Unassigned mounts and unused appearances :

Looks that are not yet assigned to upcoming mounts.

Treasure Workshop event - China only

Matching Companion Pets

Matching companions for new mounts

New matching companions for older mounts