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The Trading Post ~ March

The March Trading Post offers three new mounts: the Pearlescent Butterfly and Ruby Butterfly (700 Trader's Tender each) and the Shimmermist Free Runner steed (350 Trader's Tender). This means that the new mounts alone cost a total of 1750 Tendies. In addition, the Twilight Sky Prowler purple love fox has returned (750 Tendies).
UNDERMINE(D) now live!
![Patch 11.0: Undermine(d) logo, circled by 8 mounts from the patch. From top left, going clockwise: Prototype A.S.M.R. (red flying machine with engines that look like boombox speakers); Ocher Delivery Rocket (bright yellow goblin rocket, like something out of an old Roadrunner cartoon); Margin Manipulator (blue goblin flyer, like a cockpit with two side engines that move); Vicious Electro Eel [Horde] (the red-armoured version of the eel mount, with glowing red eyes and sparking wires dangling from its sides); Flarendo the Furious (bright yellow mechanical devilsaur mount, with fiery glow from its mount and a buzzsaw at the end of its tail); Violet Armored Growler (purple armoured hyena with grey body, glowing purple goggles, and giant blades along the neck of its armour); Personalized Goblin S.C.R.A.Per (green goblin mechsuit, with claw on right hand and glowing arm cannon on left); The Big G (flying replica of Gallywix’s head with tophat and side guns, in grey steel).](/images/Patch 11.1 Logo.jpg)
Patch 11.1 is now live, introducing around 42 new mounts, including many goblin-themed mechanicals in bright cartel colours. See our Undermine(d) patch guide for more details. Any mounts associated with raids, dungeons, or PvP will not be introduced until the second week of the patch, when TWW Season 2 opens. The tally also includes 11 Trading Post mounts that may or may not become available in the foreseeable future - sometimes they appear the next month, sometimes, over a year later.
Two retail mounts with MoP 'Sha-Infused' Packs

The next WoW Classic expansion - Mists of Pandaria - is coming soon! While Classic is free to existing WoW subscribers, Blizzard is also selling two 'Sha-Infused' bonus packs: the 'Sha-Infused Heroic Pack' and 'Sha-Infused Epic Pack', both of which contain two mounts for retail: the Sha-Warped Cloud Serpent and Sha-Warped Riding Tiger, plus a cosmetic pet and toy for retail WoW, and a set of equivalent items for use in Classic. The 'Epic Pack' is far more expensive than the 'Heroic Pack' and contains no extra collectables, just an added level 85 character boost and 30 days' game time. For more information, or to purchase, visit your local Shop (US / EU).
Enchanted Sweeper Bundle

Now available in the Shop, the limited-time Enchanted Sweeper Bundle (Americas/EU) includes two broom mounts: the blue Sky Witch's Sweeper and dark purple Twilight Witch's Sweeper, as well as 600 Trader's Tender to spend in the in-game Trading Post. According to information on the Shop, both these mounts are likely to be available from the Trading Post in the future.
Holy flying snakes!

You'll receive the Timbered Sky Snake, a flying teal cobra with Pandaria-style armour, for free when you purchase a 6-month or 12-month subscription to World of Warcraft, or if you were already on a 6- or 12-month recurring subscription (with a future renewal date) at the time of the offer. The 12-month subscription package also continues to include the Charming Courier, Startouched Furline, and Gigantic Grrloc - bringing that offer to four mounts total! Note that we don't yet know the expiry date of this offer, so please double-check it's still valid before you subscribe. The Timbered Sky Snake is also available as a standalone mount purchase in the Blizzard Shop (Americas/EU) if you don't want to commit to a subscription.
Incognitro Deciphered

The mystery surrounding the latest 'secrets' mount, Incognitro, the Indecipherable Felcycle have finally been solved and it can now be obtained! Congratulations to all the members of the Secrets Discord who contributed to this massive feat! There are a great many steps involved in obtaining Incognitro, but an explanation and solution can be found in the comprehensive Wowhead guide, Ratts' Revenge: Guide to Incognitro, the Indecipherable Felcycle