Soaring Meaderbee

This humble bee dreams of open skies. Whether or not an adventurer is along for the ride is of no consequence to it.

Riding Requirements:

  • This mount is available to all eligible characters on your account.
  • Level 10
  • Apprentice Riding (ground)
  • Expert Riding (flying)


  • Cendvin in Isle of Dorn.
  • Cost: 900 Sizzling Cinderpollen


The Sizzling Cinderpollen used to purchase this mount can be farmed from the elite bees near the Cinderbrew Meadery in northern Dorn.

Introduced in:

Patch 11.0.2

Travel Mode:

  • Ground (+60% or +100% speed)
  • Flying (+150%, +280% or +310% speed)
Speed depends on your riding skill.
Soaring Meaderbee Soaring Meaderbee

Other Mounts Using the Same Model:

Include unused mounts / looks
Soaring Meaderbee taught by Reins of the Soaring Meaderbee