Shadowmane Charger
Draenei poets have likened this talbuk's coloring to shadows cast by moonlight in an ashen forest.
Riding Requirements:
- This mount is available to all eligible characters on your account.
- Level 10
- Apprentice Riding
Shadow-Sage Brakoss in Stormshield - Ashran. Requires Exalted with Arakkoa Outcasts.
Ravenspeaker Skeega in Warspear - Ashran. Requires Exalted with Arakkoa Outcasts.
- Cost: 5000
+ 5000
(reputation discounts apply for some factions)
To purchase this dark talbuk mount you require Exalted reputation with the Arakkoa Outcasts. The faction vendors may be found at both the Horde and Alliance capitals in Ashran.Introduced in:
Patch 6.0.3Travel Mode:
- Ground (+60% or +100% speed)