Riding Turtle
Slow and steady might not always win you the race but it'll get you there... eventually.
Riding Requirements:
- This mount is available to all eligible characters on your account.
- Level 1
- No Riding Skill Required
- Trading Card Game: Saltwater Snapjaw from Heroes of Azeroth set
Lunarfall Cavedweller in Lunarfall (Garrison).
Frostdeep Cavedweller in Frostwall (Garrison).
- "The great teacher of Azeroth school" promotion (China only).
- Trading Post Vendors in Stormwind & Orgrimmar.
- Cost: 700
- The Black Market Auction House (rarely)
Originally obtained as rare loot from the Trading Card Game, this Riding Turtle was available from the Trading Post during the month of June, 2024. Currently, this mount can only be found (rarely) on the Black Market Auction House, or as rare loot from Cavedweller murlocs in your Garrison's fishing pond in Draenor. The murlocs can be summoned with Lunarfall Carp (Alliance) or Frostdeep Minnows (Horde), which can occasionally be caught from the same pond once you advance your Fishing Shack to level 3.This turtle is one of only a few special mounts that can be ridden by level 1 characters without any riding skill. It will also increase your speed in water to that of a normal mount on land. It can be used in any body of water. Its speed is not affected by effects that increase or decrease mount speed.
Introduced in:
Patch 10.2.7Travel Mode:
- Ground (+0% speed)
- Swimming (+100% speed)