Blazing Hippogryph

This mount is on hiatus. Temporarily unobtainable. It will be back!

Hippogryphs are highly intelligent, sentient beings; far more than mere "mounts."

Riding Requirements:

  • This mount is available to all eligible characters on your account.
  • Level 10
  • Apprentice Riding (ground)
  • Expert Riding (flying)


  • Trading Card Game: Flaming Hippogryph from Wrathgate set
  • AllianceTawny Seabraid in Stormwind City.
  • AllianceWilder Seabraid in Stormwind City.
  • HordeShiri in Valley of Strength, Orgrimmar.
  • HordeZen'kala in Valley of Strength, Orgrimmar.
  • Cost: 800 Trader's Tender

Bind on Use:

This mount is not bound to a character until it is used. That means that you can buy, sell, trade, or give it away.


Originally obtained as rare loot from the Trading Card Game, the Blazing Hippogryph was obtainable from the Trading Post in May 2024. It's currently on hiatus, but should return to the Trading Post at a later (currently unknown) date. It's still technically available as a TCG reward, though these are now very hard to find!

Introduced in:

Patch 10.2.6

Travel Mode:

  • Ground (+60% or +100% speed)
  • Flying (+150%, +280% or +310% speed)
Speed depends on your riding skill.
Blazing Hippogryph Blazing Hippogryph Blazing Hippogryph Blazing Hippogryph
Blazing Hippogryph taught by Blazing Hippogryph