Once a little hatchling, raised into a mighty pterrordax by a loving handler. He never did learn to fly.
Riding Requirements:
- This mount is available to all eligible characters on your account.
- Level 10
- Apprentice Riding (ground)
- Expert Riding (flying)
Kua'fon is a reward from a Horde-only quest chain, but once earned he can be used by characters of both factions. The quest chain begins by the chance looting of a Pterrordax Egg, which is a rare drop from pterrordax NPCs in Zandalar (see the Wowhead page for loot info). The quest chain takes about a month, during which you care for and raise the pterrordax hatchling, culminating in

Introduced in:
Patch 8.0Travel Mode:
- Ground (+60% or +100% speed)
- Flying (+150%, +280% or +310% speed)