A preview of mounts that have appeared in the Warlords of Draenor database.
Most, but by no means all, are available. Click on an individual mount to find out more.
These savage, muscle-bound piggies occur in five colours. Each comes in a regular and an armoured version:
Regular Boars
Unassigned look, not yet used for a mount:
Armoured Boars
These aren't the clefthooves you remember from Outland. The new Draenor mount model has less fur and far more tuskage! There are five colours for the basic mount:
There's also the "Iron Horde"-styled model, which drops from a mythic raid boss:
A heavy-duty, Draenor version of the hippopotamus, the riverbeast mount comes with a cool and unique canopy.
Unassigned look, not yet used for a mount:
The beautiful new Draenor wolf model occurs in at least five normal colours. Each comes in a regular version, and four of the five (not the pale tan) also occur in an armoured version. In addition there's a fiery, green fel version.
Regular Draenor Wolves
The following are unassigned looks, not yet used for mounts:
Armoured Draenor Wolves
The following are unassigned looks, not yet used for mounts:
There's also this nightmarish Iron Horde Wolf, which we've only found in one colour so far:
Two new elekk mount models have appeared in the database. The first is the fiery Iron Horde Elekk:
The second model, far more regular in style, has a distinctive Draenei look. There are five colours, but only four are available (the fifth being a skin used under the armour of the Iron Horde Elekk and so may never be used on this model).
The mount version of the fancy, new Draenor talbuk appears in five colours:
Core Hounds
This one was for a limited time only! A guaranteed reward for players who ran the 10th Anniversary edition of Molten Core:
One colour, available from the Blizzard Store:
The following are unassigned looks, not yet used for mounts:
Elemental Crows
The "storm crow" model has two variants. The solar version is a world boss drop, but the stormy, blue version is still unavailable.
Fire Hawks
A green, 'fel' version of a model which first appeared during the Cataclysm, awarded by a mount collection achievement:
The Voidtalon, a purple version of a model which first appeared during the Cataclysm, can be found rarely in Draenor:
Dread Ravens
One new 'fel' version of the Dread Raven is available in 6.2. Several other, very striking, colours of the Armored Dread Raven have also appeared in the database. While it appears they were primarily created for a no-saddle "Dread Raven Warbird" model, they've also been added to the mount folder, suggesting they may become available on stunning new mounts. Unfortunately there is no sign of that so far.
The following are unassigned looks, not yet used for mounts:
Something like a fancy new silithid with wings, this new ravager is available on the Blizzard Store.
One new kodo model, designed for a 'Vicious' PvP mount.
One new ram model, designed for a 'Vicious' PvP mount.
One new raptor model, designed for a 'Vicious' PvP mount.
One new mechanostrider model, designed for a 'Vicious' PvP mount.
This unique saddled giant comes in four colours. Two are now in-game:
Unassigned look, not yet used for a mount:
Fel Gronnlings
Another new humanoid mount, the yeti comes in four colours. Only one is so far available:
Unassigned look, not yet used for a mount:
Flaming Steeds
This molten horse is a Recruit-a-Friend Reward:
Water Striders
Nat Pagle returns in Draenor, with a new colour of water strider on offer:
A green drake, awarded by a drake mount collection achievement:
A very different model to the Sky Golem from Pandaria, but behaves in a similar fashion:
Including two new models, and also two older ones which come with chauffeurs:
There's a new carpet mount (again crafted by Tailoring) in Draenor. However this one is grounded:
One rylak mount, the Iron Skyreaver, was introduced before Warlords was even launched. No others were announced... until now! Patch 6.2 will introduce (along with the ability to fly in Draenor) the Soaring Skyterror. We don't yet know its appearance but it's quite likely it will use one of the four existing models (though there's always the possibility of a new model). The existing models have seven unused colour options each, based on the seven 'wild' rylak colours - black, crimson, green, pale, silver, yellow and red.
The first two models are heavily armoured. The first is used by the existing Iron Skyreaver. It's possible, however, that the Skyreaver's "Store mount" status would prevent other colour variations from being introduced. The second model is almost identical - it only lacks the 'jet engines'. It's otherwise so similar that we haven't depicted it here.The following are unassigned looks, not yet used for mounts:
In contrast, the "taxi" mount model is equipped with nothing more than a saddle and a torch. While designed for use on Draenor flight paths, it would also make a great personal transport for those who prefer simplicity in their mounts. It also looks far less like the Iron Skyreaver and is probably more likely to be introduced.
The following are unassigned looks, not yet used for mounts:
Along very similar lines is the "chromatic chimaera" model. In the Alpha test it was a very flamboyant magenta and blue, but is now a more sober red. The model is almost identical to the above, except that it lacks a torch and has a slightly modified harness.
Finally a completely new design, far more reptilian, has appeared in the database. We aren't sure if or when it'll appear, but it's quite unusual, very creepy, and beautifully detailed: